Tuesday, October 3, 2017

InkTober - For King and Country - Page 3

Previous page.

As discussed, we're working from Simon Fletcher's InkTober prompts, specifically the first four of the Steampunk list - The Wicked Cyborg, The Airship Captain, The King of England, and The Explorer Girl.

Page 3

1 - Still inside King George's compartment. King George is up and looking annoyed / angry at his unexpected guests. Cornelius is kneeling to one side, rifling through some of the king's things for suspicious items, paying King George little mind. Rose stands on the other side (nearer the window), trying to reassure the king / looking awkward and uncomfortable. The window Cornelius and Rose entered form is off-panel.

KING GEORGE: What do you think you're doing?

CORNELIUS: Trying to save your life.

CAPTAIN (off-panel): Well then, you're too late.

2 - On the door to the king's compartment. The captain stands, machinegun firing, a maniacal grin on his face.

CAPTAIN: The Kaiser says auf wiedersehen.

SFX: brakka-aka-aka!

3 - Cornelius leaps up and pushes King George out of the way of the oncoming bullets. The king flies off to the side. Bullets ping off of Cornelius' arm that he has raised to block some of the fire.


SFX: ping!ping!ping!

4 - Cornelius races towards the gunman, crouching low with one arm still raised. The captain continues shooting. Many of the bullets continue to bounce off of Cornelius' mechanical arms, tearing apart his uniform; however, a few a leaving red marks on his body, revealing he's not entirely mechanical.

SFX: ping!ping!ping!

5 - Cornelius tackles gunman off his feet with a wicked looking spear to the gut. The gun flies from the captain's hands.


6 - Cornelius is on top of the captain, about to lay into the man with an enormous punch. The captain lamely raises his arms to try to protect himself. Both are paused in these positions, looking in surprise / annoyance towards Rose who is calling to Cornelius from off-panel.

ROSE (off-panel): Wait!

Next page.

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