Thursday, October 26, 2017

Inktober - All For One - Page 2

Previous page.

As established in times of yore, these machinations spring from the fruit that are Simon Fletcher's InkTober promptsWe're up to the seventh group of four from the Steampunk list - The Musketeer, The Magician, "Brass", and The Queen of Darkness.

Page 2

1 - The hypnotized masses are walking towards an evil looking portal in a back room of the club. The portal looks to be inky black and filled with stars. Some of the people are disappearing into the portal, seemingly drifting away into infinity. Athos and D’Artagnan peer from around the corner of the stairway the led down here, looking on. They have removed their earplugs.
LETTERING NOTE: The hypnotized masses should have a suitably dark word balloon - maybe black with purple writing? - to show how evil things are.

HYPNOTIZED MASSES: We will join our Dark Queen. We will join our Dark Queen.

D’ARTAGNAN: This seems...problematic.

2 - Close on D’Artagnan and Athos as they try to make a plan. Athos looks calm and collected; D’Artagnan looks really worried and shifty. His body language has him already moving back up the stairs. Behind him, the boots and legs of Pathos are visible, although his identity is not yet clear.

ATHOS: Nonsense. All is going according to plan.

D’ARTAGNAN: I’m not sure that I can agree with that assessment.

3 - D’Artagnan has turned to depart up the stairs and walks directly into the tall, barrel-chest of Porthos. It’s cartoony in its violence, like when someone runs into a pole, with D’Artagnan’s arms straight out ahead of him, as if they are trying to reach ahead without him. Frame the panel so Porthos’ face is not visible and it’s not yet clear it’s him (perhaps D’Artagnan’s running into him hides his musketeer outfit as well).

D’ARTAGNAN: In fact, I think now would be the perfect moment to seek aid—!

4 - D’Artagnan looks up and realizes he is sitting before (and has just run into) his portly friend, Porthos. D’Artagnan is so pleased that he doesn’t notice that something is amiss - Porthos looks somewhat menacing and his large musketeer hat is angled such that his face is not visible to the reader.

D’ARTAGNAN: Porthos! Your timing is impeccable!

5 - Porthos raises his head to reveal that he is equally hypnotized and under the control of whatever nefarious being is running the show. He looks menacingly at our heroes, reaching to grab D’Artagnan, who looks kind of terrified.
LETTERING NOTE: Porthos’ speech balloon should be the same dark set-up of the other hypnotized folk.

PORTHOS: You will join the Dark Queen.

D’ARTAGNAN (quietly): Or perhaps not.

Next pages.

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