Saturday, October 14, 2017

InkTober - Burn After Reading - Page 2

Previous page.

As discussed previously, we're working from Simon Fletcher's InkTober prompts, specifically the fourth group of four from the Steampunk list - The Good Copper, The Bad Copper, The Doc, and The Illusionist.

Page 2

1 - Ferand is over at Fawkes, grabbing the dopey would-be magician and dragging him towards the door. In his rush, Ferand has knocked over all manner of Fawkes' magic tricks, which Fawkes does not appreciate (maybe reaching to try to catch some of the stuff as it falls).


FERAND: This is great, but we gotta go. B3.5K could be here at any moment. That means we want to be anywhere else.

2 - Cynthia stands in Ferand and Fawkes' way, trying to calm the situation down a bit, her hands up trying to placate Ferand's fear.

CYNTHIA: Fer, relax. There's no way the Surgeon knows where we are.

3 - The roof above our three characters is smashed inwards with an incredible force from above. The focus is on the roof falling in and the debris falling down. Cynthia is on one side, falling backwards, while Ferand pushes Fawkes away on the other side.


4 - On a huge robot (B3.5K aka the Surgeon aka Prometheus) standing amidst the rubble from the ceiling that it just smashed in. It has a huge upper body / torso, connected to some equally huge arms and hands, sitting atop some massive legs. It is, however, without a head the way a human would have one. Instead, the shoulders continue across the torso uninterrupted, with the "face" portions built into the middle of the upper-body (kind of like this thing from Calum Watt but maybe not quite as ginormous). Maybe have Cynthia lying in the foreground, back to the reader and looking towards Prometheus, but not necessary.
LETTERING NOTE: I always love a square, electric-y word balloon for robots and Prometheus is no exception.

PROMETHEUS (1): But there is, Agent Vasquez.

PROMETHEUS (2): And please, call me Prometheus.

Next page.

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