Saturday, October 7, 2017

InkTober - Devil's Deal - Page 3

Previous page.

As discussed, we're working from Simon Fletcher's InkTober prompts, specifically the second four of the Steampunk list - The Ace, The Machine, The Brawler, and The Bearded Lady.

Page 3

1 - The game has begun. Anne studies her cards, trying not to betray anything to her opponent (her hand is not visible to the reader).


2 - On the centre of the poker table. There is a large pile of chips - it looks like both players are all in.


3 - On the devil. He sits casually, looking loose and at ease. He's in the process of putting his cards on the table to reveal his hand.


4 - On the devil's cards. He has a diamond flush. The particular cards aren't important, but there should not be an ace and the focus of the hand should be a 6. If necessary, maybe have his red hand on panel to show that the cards are his (but you could probably orient them so the bottom of the cards are facing towards where the devil has been sitting on the page / panels to get this point across).

SATAN (off-panel): Read 'em and weep.

5 - The devil sits back, looking casual and cocky.

SATAN: I think it could have used a couple of more sixes.

6 - On the skeleton dealer. He's as expressionless as ever.

SATAN (off-panel): But pickers can't be choosers.

7 - On Anne in the midst of playing her cards. Once again trying not to betray anything through her facial or body language.

SATAN: N'est-ce pas?

8 - Worm's eye view with Anne, the devil, and the skeleton dealer looking down at the cards. Anne and the skeleton dealer's expressions are hard to read. The devil looks a tad dumbfounded.


9 - On Anne's cards. She has a heart flush. Once again, the general cards aren't important, except for the focus of the panel which is an ace, meaning she has the higher hand (like for the devil's, orient so the hand's bottom faces towards where Anne has been on-panel / page).

SATAN: Really wishing I'd insisted we play more than a single hand...

Next page.

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