Wednesday, October 11, 2017

InkTober - Room to Grow - Page 3

Previous page.

As discussed, we're working from Simon Fletcher's InkTober prompts, specifically the second four of the Steampunk list - The Gentleman's Hat, The Inventor's Son, The Gardener, and The Princess.

Page 3

1 - Night time. On Henrietta's bed. It is still made and clearly unused.

CAPTION (HENRIETTA) (1): I can no longer sleep.

CAPTION (HENRIETTA) (2): The thoughts and questions and feelings are moving too quickly through my mind.

2 - On Henrietta writing in her journal at her desk. She looks very ill. Sweating profusely, having a hard time focusing, and the like. Perhaps some moonlight slices across her from a nearby window.

CAPTION (HENRIETTA): Something feels wrong.

3 - Repeat panel, but Henrietta looks up away from her writing and towards a ghastly sound coming from off-panel. She looks frightened.
LETTERING NOTE: The sfx should be larger and more menacing than on the previous page. It will grow on each of the following panels.



4 - On Henrietta walking along the hallway outside her room. She holds her side with one arm and seems to be having some difficulty walking. Her sweating and glazed look is worsening.

CAPTION (HENRIETTA): I do not understand it.


5 - Henrietta stands outside the door to Baron Head's room. Frame from above with her looking down where some vegetation is emerging from the crack at the bottom of the door, growing wildly. She has her hand reaching out to the doorknob / is maybe already turning it.

CAPTION (HENRIETTA): But I know where my answers will be found.


6 - From inside the room, looking outwards. The door is open and Henrietta stands framed in the doorway. All details beyond the doorframe are pretty shadowy and hard to make out, but the mass of vegetation can be seen hinted throughout. Henrietta looks on in terror.
LETTERING NOTE: Baron Head's word balloon should be different from the usual to imply some dread is afoot - maybe purple and sickly green?

CAPTION (HENRIETTA): And I will have them.

BARON HEAD (off-panel): Hello, Miss Greene...

Next page.

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