Monday, October 23, 2017

Inktober - When One Door Closes - Page 1 & 2

So I'm a little behind on this portion of Inktober, but I'm dedicated to catching up, so here's page 1 and 2 of "When One Door Closes".

As we've established throughout the month, I'm working from Simon Fletcher's InkTober promptsWe're up to the sixth group of four from the Steampunk list - "Gears", "Smithy", The Gateway, and The Alchemist.

Page 1

1 - We're in an alchemist bar (and by extension, a world that would support an alchemist bar). A group of bro-y alchemists are throwing around a stoppered vial filled with some glowing liquid (their leader is pretty much the human version of Spike from Looney Tunes). Helena, a small, mousey woman runs between the group, trying to get the bottle back. She looks annoyed and distressed. The brochemists are not taking her requests seriously. A classic bully game of keep away.

HELENA: Hey, be careful! That could be dangerous!

2 - The head brochemist has poped the stopper off the vial with his thumb and sniffs at the contents within. He makes a face. He holds back Helena with his other, outstretched arm, preventing her from getting near through their height difference (kind of like this - normally I'd use a better reference picture, but can't seem to figure out how Google would understand a description of that pose).

HEAD BROCHEMIST: You made it, right?

3 - The head brochemist pours the open vial onto Helena's head. She raises her hands in vain to protect herself; the liquid flows all down her from head to toe. Everyone laughs at her.

HEAD BROCHEMIST: I think it'll be okay.


4 - Outside the bar. The brochemists are throwing Helena out of the door and she sails through the air towards the street.

HEAD BROCHEMIST: Thanks for visiting.

5 - On Helena. She sits on the street, her self and pride both hurt. She looks angry. In the background, the brochemists have turned and are heading back inside the bar.

HEAD BROCHEMIST: Come back when you've brewed something worthwhile!

Page 2

1 - Establishing shot of all manner of different sized glass bottles, vials, jars, flasks, and any type of receptacle you can imagine sitting on a table. They are all filled with dark, inert liquid (unlike the glowing liquid from the previous page).

HELENA (off-panel): Come on.

2 - On Helena combing one glowing, coloured liquid with another, pouring them together.

HELENA: One hundred and third time's the charm, right?

3 - Repeat panel, except the newly poured liquid has gone dark and inert like the ones from panel 1. Helena looks extremely frustrated.


4 - Helena throws the bottle with the dark, inert liquid at the wall in anger.


5 - On the wall where the liquid smashed. It's dripping down, a haunting crimson glow starting to emerge throughout.


6 - The liquid has dripped into a perfect oval portal, not unlike ones from Portal or Ricky and Morty. Helena stands before the portal, silhouetted by its now bright crimson as she stares into it.

HELENA (quietly): whoa.

Page 3 and 4.

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