1 - A crowded bar. People are talking to each other loudly. To demonstrate that, you could have lots of tail-less word balloons representing parts of conversations.
2 - The same bar, but a bear is now walking across the room towards the bar itself (note: the bear is walking on his hind legs, like a person). All the conversations have stopped. People stare in terror at this woodland creature as it crosses the room. No dialogue.
3 - The bear is up at the bar. The barkeep is paralyzed with fear. The bear puts up a paw to indicate that he would like one drink. No one else has moved. No dialogue.
4 - The bear turns and leans up against the bar. His arms out, he lounges lazily, a content expression on his face. No dialogue.
5 - The bear holds the same position, but his expression changes to one of annoyance and confusion.
BEAR: What?
Today's character: a bear who wants a beer.
I believe this is what they call genius.
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